Flavor characteristics: Fresh cut grass, gooseberries, currant, green beans and asparagus.
口味特征: 新鲜草味, 覆盆子, 加仑, 豌豆和卢笋.
——期刊摘选Fresh - cut vegetable is a new type of vegetable processing products.
互联网On the way home one night, I spotted some fresh - cut roses outside a florist's shop.
1一天晚上回家的路上, 我看到一家花店外面有一些刚剪下来的玫瑰.
互联网Please feel free to place fresh cut flowers at any of our Memorial - Park locations.
请随时将鲜切花在任何我们的纪念 - 公园地点.
互联网To make you scratch and itch for it like fresh cut grass.
互联网Effect of edible coatings in combination with antibrowning agents on fresh - cut apple slices was studied.
互联网Effect of bactericides, fresh - keeping agent, package, storage temperature on storage of fresh - cut water - bamboo was studied.
探讨了杀菌剂 、 保鲜液 、 包装条件 、 贮藏温度对鲜切茭白贮藏性的影响.
互联网Now need to find a long - term low - cost high - quality supply of fresh cut flowers partners.
现需要寻找能 长期 低价高品质的供应鲜切花合作者.
互联网Put fresh cut flowers in this handmade basket.
互联网However, the study of fresh - cut vegetables involves the longer chain and the complexity of technological process.
但鲜切蔬菜所涉及到的产业链较长 、 技术流程复杂,在研发鲜切蔬菜加工和保鲜问题上,整体的技术难度较大.
互联网The 2007 has piercingly intense Marlborough flavours of fresh cut grass, gooseberries and kiwifruit.
2007年的葡萄酒有着新鲜的青草味, 黑醋栗味和猕猴桃的马博罗的香味.
互联网To make you scratch ya itch for it like fresh cut grass.
互联网This article introduced the present status and the critical technics the fresh - cut vegetables processing.
互联网The air smelled like fresh cut grass and I heard the birds singing.
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